Thursday morning from 10.00am- noon. If you wish to join our waiting list for membership please contact the Secretary, MARGARET WALTERS on 01207 521214 or the Membership Secretary, JUDITH LOWTHER on 01207 581336.
Wednesdays 1:00-3:00pm
Monday 10am-12noon
Below is a link to Northumbria Lacemakers, whose members have classes in the Community Centre.
Patchwork and Quilting classes
10-12 and 12:30-2:30
Refreshments provided
Contact Zoe Ballard
07368 673672
Book online at
We meet on Mondays from 10:00am to 12:00 and our membership is about 25 people. We put on a variety of demonstrations, talks and workshops for members.
The group secretary is Jim Rafferty. He can be contacted on 0777 219 6720
The Group meets every Friday during school term time in the Small Hall at Lanchester Community Centre from 7.30 - 9.30 pm.
All are welcome, whether experienced dancer or beginner. You don’t need a partner, and the first two nights are free.
Hartbeeps developmental Baby & Toddler classes- suitable from birth- age 4!
Hartbeeps is a magical class for you and your little one to explore together
We take you and your little one on a 45 minute sound journey using a variety of props, dress up, role play and friendly puppet characters. We combine song, dance, pretend play, yoga, massage, sign language and so much more!
All of our activities are designed to help our children learn and grow.
To book, go to
Activate Theatre deliver dynamic, creative, inspiring, and fun, Acting, Singing & Dance Classes for the young stars (4-18yrs) of the Northeast. Our classes build confidence, promote emotional and mental wellbeing, increase performance and communication skills, and give the students the opportunity to perform in live shows. All these skills will grow with your child and help them thrive in the wider world. At Activate we encourage every child to aspire to be the best they can be and ‘Activate their full potential’.
Dog Training classes are held at the Community Centre on Sundays from 10 am to 12 noon, presented by Vicky Welsh - Have a Good Dog
* Kind effective training
* Qualified Professional
* Behaviour and One to One
Member of Association of Pet Dog Trainers
(Membership No. 0849)
Tel: 0191 4102325
Starting Tuesday September 6th
Time 10-12noon
Grace Maher
Franchise owner - Bloom Baby Classes Durham West
Multi Award Winning Baby Classes
Voted Best Baby Class 2021
Fastest Growing Baby Class Franchise in the UK!
Welcome to Seiken Ryu Karate Association. Here, we teach Shukokai Karate - a traditional style of martial arts, to all ages and sporting abilities.
Get in touch with us today and find out more about our friendly and sociable Karate Club.
Friday 4:15-5:15 pm
Contact -
Wednesday 7.30 - 8.30pm
The class is run by KFA (Keep Fit Association) trained teacher, whose philosophy is to provide safe and effective exercise through movement and dance.
The emphasis is to provide exercise to suit all ages and abilities, to provide this in a safe environment and to make it fun.
Classes are friendly and encourage social interaction, including theatre visits and special event celebrations.
Contact Liz Laycock for more information
Tel: 01207 520278 or 07910711067
Mondays & Thursdays - Hall 2 -
6.30-9.30 pm - home matches & match practice for team players of our 3 teams in the Sunderland League
Fridays - Main Hall - weekly
6.00 - 7.00 pm - Juniors
7.00 - 8.30 pm - Adults
Club nights are for social tennis of all abilities with coaching provided on an 'ad hoc’ basis
There is a ‘Robo’ machine available for individual practice
Adult members pay £20 annual subscription and Juniors £10 [U18]
Club night fees are £5 seniors and £3 juniors
We have 5 table tennis tables and bats/balls are provided
New members are very welcome with your first visit being free
Email should you like any further information.
Tank Girl Training Bellyfit class
7.30-8.30pm Thursday evenings
£5 per session (or £4 per session block booked 4 or more)
Contact is July Ryan - 07948 002772
Facebook page TankGirl Training
Web page:
Saturdays 10-11 Hall 1 with Angela £6.
Lanchester Community Centre, Newbiggen Lane, Lanchester, DH7 0PB
Registered address:
Lanchester Community Centre Newbiggin Lane, Lanchester Co.Durham, DH7 0PB
Charity Number: 1188911
Mon, Wed & 9am -1.15pm Tue & Thur 9am - 3pm
Room Hire available from 8:00-Midnight
Thursday Club
An independent group for ladies of all ages to come together socially for entertainment or day's out. we meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1.30 in Hall 2 Contact 529104, Sylvia 520580, Liz 521682, or Olive 520229.
Lanchester WI is a friendly group with over 50 members, we have enjoyable monthly meetings, various outings and interesting craft sessions. We meet in the large hall of the Community Centre on the first Monday of the month at 7.15pm (2nd Monday on Bank Holidays). Visitors always welcome!!
Contact details:
Facebook, Lanchester WI
Telephone Marie - 07922004397
The History Society
The Lanchester Local History Society meets on the first Friday of each month at 7pm at the community centre.
Talks are arranged with well known speakers on a variety of history subjects of local and North East topics. We welcome new members and visitors. For more information contact the society at
Flower Club
Lanchester Flower Club meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the Main Hall for flower demonstrations.
Friends of Longovicium
The Friends of Longovicium are a group discovering the fascinating secrets of Lanchester’s Roman fort (Longovicium) and the surrounding Roman Settlement.
Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month (excluding December) at Lanchester Community Centre. Meetings start at 7.30pm and usually last until 9.30pm. A donation of £15 per year is requested for membership.
For further information please contact Rodney Hawkins Tel: 0191 4103472 Email: or Mrs M Williams Tel: 01207 520063
Facebook Page - Friends of Longovicium
The Wildlife Group
Meets on 2nd Tuesday of each month, field trips Jun-Aug. 7.15pm till 9pm with a cuppa thrown in.
For more information and/or a copy of our programme please
Every Tuesday evening 6.30- 9.30 pm to play Chicago bridge and have a cup of tea or coffee, with a biscuit at half time. Contact the secretary Jan Vasey at should you like any further information.
The Paradiso Club
The Paradiso Club (part of the Lanchester Partnership) organises a socials once a month from October to May on Sunday evenings. Includes refreshments, a raffle and a film at 7:00pm.
Would you like to try your hand at playing the game of Mah Jong?
(not the computer game!)
Thursdays 10am – 12 noon
Upstairs Conference Room
Cost - £3.00
Come along and have a go (instruction given)
For further information contact
Dennis on 07960494442/ 01207 520278
Pimm's and Needles